Clinical Proposal Development

Service change proposals require the assessment of a number of different clinical proposals / models, nested within different options. AYLI has led the development of clinical proposals across a range of clinical domains in both the acute and community settings

Clinical Proposals

With the Case for Change established, the focus of any service change / reconfiguration moves to the development of the clinical proposals for consideration within the option development process. This is the foundation from which the final decision-making business case will be developed.

Whilst the core of this process is the engagement with clinicians, any proposal needs to consider other inputs, such as:

  • Health Needs of the wider/patient population

  • Travel and Access

  • Equality & Inequality

  • Royal College / NHS England Guidance

  • Workforce

  • Estates

  • Clinical Quality

  • Finances

AYLI is experienced in taking clinical teams through this process of developing clinical proposal, and utilising these wider data as key inputs to inform these discussions.

A key feature of these discussions is the need to keep an ‘open mind’, especially as a clinician’s mind set is to focus upon the outcome rather than the process,

Clinical Models

Long List

The purpose of clinical models during the long list, is to identify all the reasonable variations that could address the challenges identified within the Case for Change

Short List

The clinical models are significant more developed, and allow a reasonable level of granularity and comparability. These models are likely to be scrutinised later in the process of development, against requiring a higher level of articulation.

Preferred Option

It is AYLI’s view that any clinical proposal development process should conclude with a preferred option. While there is likely to be differences of view on the what the preferred option should be, local clinicians are best placed to make that determination. This clinical model, again needs to be developed further sufficient for an operational assessment of its viability can be made.


Financial Modelling for Service Reconfiguration


Programme Delivery