We have developed the Reconfiguration Roadmap as a way of navigating clinical service change

Our way of thinking about clinical service change

Reconfiguration Roadmap

The Roadmap provides a way of navigating service change, focusing on the ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’ through a series of modules

  • The starting point for all clinical service change and rationale for the need to change.

  • How the wider (and potentially adjoining) system can be engaged to support the development of the proposals.

  • What information should be sought to understand the local context and how it might be used in the development of proposals.

  • How support can be sought from key stakeholders and the approach to creating a ‘broad tent’ of engagement that can act as a critical friend to the proposals.

  • What are the commissioning outcomes that the change will seek to deliver and how they can be quantified.

  • How the Options that will eventually result in a preferred option, can be developed through both a long list and short list.

  • What needs to be considered in developing a clinical model both in terms of engagement with the clinical teams, NHS England and the Clinical Senate, but also the public

  • How the financial framework can be developed and the implications of a capital investment case being associated with service reconfiguration

  • How the programme might work and how it can be scaled to manage different sizes of service reconfiguration. The module also considers the different risks and potential mitigaitons

    This module has been updated to reflect the

  • How the programme might be structured to allow decisions to flow through the development process and how a clear audit trail can be developed

  • How assurance of the options (or supporting data) can be developed to ensure there is good evidence supporting the decision-making process

  • An outline of the key features of a public consultation supporting clinical service change

  • How to think about the development of the Decision-Making Business Case and how this distills the proposal and the risks prior to any challenge. The module also considers delivery from the perspective of service reconfiguration

Case for Change

Each of the modules are available as both a PDF and as a hard copy. This allows the modules to be used in different setting, not only within the direct Programme Team

Module Name
Case for Change



If you are interested in accessing these modules (they are available free to NHS organisations), please fill in the form below with the details of the modules you wish to receive.

Below are some example pages from this module.

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