Case for Change

Establishing a robust Case for Change, is the first significant step in service reconfiguration. AYLI has both extensive experience in writing Cases for Change, but also working across health systems and the public to develop a clear narrative.

What are the tent poles for developing a Case for Change?

Engaging Clinicians: Clinicians are at the forefront of patient care, possessing valuable firsthand experiences and in-depth knowledge of healthcare delivery. By working closely with clinicians and using AYLI’s experience, we can develop a narrative setting out the practical implications of proposed changes. Clinicians can elucidate potential challenges, offer innovative solutions, and champion initiatives that prioritize patient outcomes and well-being.

Involving the Public: NHS Commissioners will have experienced in house teams, or trusted partners that manage more complex public involvement. AYLI has supported systems in both scenarios dovetailing our technical knowledge and understanding with those that understand the uniqueness of the local geography.

Collaborating across NHS Commissioners: Commissioners play a strategic role in shaping healthcare policies and allocating resources effectively. Commissioners bring a systemic viewpoint that balances clinical priorities with financial sustainability, ensuring that proposed changes are both impactful and feasible within the healthcare system.

Collaboration: NHS Commissioners and the wider Health System has existing Communications and Engagement teams, that will be experienced in drafting a Case for Change and have a deep knowledge of the local stakeholder environment. AYLI’s experience is that a mix of Health System’s existing Communications and Engagement teams and the AYLI team (providing technical input) provide the quickest and efficient mechanism for developing the Case for Change. AYLI would also look to collaborate with these teams when engaging the public / stakeholders throughout the development process and public launch.

How we work

our focus is upon developing a single clear narrative from a range of complex inputs, some of which may be contradictory.

working with clinicians to develop a narrative which is not only clear but recognised across the clinical communities that needs to be addressed

involving the public at an early stage, both in terms of developing a shared understanding of the data but also the impact of the longer term viability of services (e.g. workforce, estates, Royal College guidance, etc)

working with stakeholders to ensure the Case for Change has the appropriate support across the Health System and wider, if needed

recognising that support may not be immediately provided, and working with the Health System to develop mitigations that reduce the exposure to challenge, during the development of options and the development of work streams that would provide support to NHS Commissioner business cases

supporting NHS Commissioners engagement with the relevant Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee(s) to ensure support for the Case for Change

Jack Wagstaff, Director of Transformation - Surrey Heartlands ICB

“Morbi non felis velit. Ut ut iaculis ante. Proin at malesuada eros. Curabitur congue dui odio, sed facilisis magna accumsan sed. Duis bibendum semper lacus, sed mattis ligula eleifend vel. Ut luctus, massa quis volutpat efficitur, lectus lacus sollicitudin dui, nec sodales metus diam id orci.”


Audit & Review


Financial Modelling for Service Reconfiguration